Showing posts with label job. Show all posts
Showing posts with label job. Show all posts

Saturday, September 12, 2020

How the Universal Basic Income would change the world

 What social and political systems and social values will crumble with the adoption of universal basic income (UBI)? We can not properly assess all the consequences that would arise from it, but we have been able to identify some of them from the results of the pilot tests carried out, and we can guess others.

For example, one unsustainable model would begin to crumble, and another would begin to take hold, a model in which survival would be separated from work.

In the other hand, the assumption that wealth belongs to a few will be challenged. Wealth belongs to all, and must therefore return to all, as we have always said.

Another problematic aspect is the ideology of meritocracy, which we make our own, but which responds to the past of the wealthy, in order to justify the abuse of the common goods and their place of power. And, if it were for merit, a lot of the super-rich would have to find themselves in the most severe poverty. And, of course, if we were to worry of community service, even fewer wealthy people would be spared.

Another assumption that is going to collapse is that job is ennobling. It is another part of the same tale, a false myth, by the way, the foundation of the belief system that drives this culture and through which we have all been created. Of course, the staff had to get some "reward" for so much effort. Job gives us integrity, they tell us everything. And we answer: we are worthy of being born to human beings.

Another assumption that would collapse is that a guaranteed income would give rise to lazy people. The analysis of the pilot tests suggests the reverse. It provides opportunities to those who obtain it and promotes creativity among those who profit from it.
Any power ties between the minority and the majority will be challenged. The relationship of dependency, slavery or semi-slavery of a good number of women, minors and even employees, of precarious workers described by the British economist Guy Standing, would have changed considerably. How many employees earn a wage that does not allow them to meet the most basic needs while working a good number of hours a day? 

It will have an effect on equality and real development of women, indigenous peoples, minorities ... the circumstances in which a large part of LGTB people and people with disabilities live will change.

If the fear of hunger , poverty, illness and death associated with them were to vanish, we would feel – maybe – that we could protect those rights far more freely.

In political terms, we are obviously talking about a change in direction. And we are talking about policies that focus on individuals, on life, and not on a minority, as is the case today.

On the other hand, a UBI that creates more jobs and more equitable jobs for the entire population will inevitably open up a wide range of transformational opportunities in all sectors.

On the other hand, and speaking of another factor, being able to have more time, we will have more independence. But I do not think it is assured that this independence, once it has been achieved, will immediately transform into democracy in all fields.

Therefore, while maintaining the material conditions for a dignified life, we must encourage freedom of thinking and opinion, networking and community building, values and freedom education, intensive and lifelong learning. Education that encourages all the capacities of every human being, including their spiritual growth, and education that gives a profound meaning to life ... and from there all the other things can be focused on service to society, to people and to the world. We are going to have to concentrate on many other facets of social and individual life that threaten our emancipation, but that is another matter.

We are going to have to strive and align our efforts in this direction in order to accomplish it.
If people knew the tremendous improvements that could be made in various fields and it would have a positive effect on their well-being and life expectancy, if they understood it there is more than enough money for all of humanity to live in dignified conditions ... how things will change!